I just adore a good tan. In my opinion it just makes you look better. Now you might think it’s easy to get a tan in Dubai, but the truth is, spending too much time in the sun is damaging to your skin on so many levels.

So while the best way to gradually build up a healthy tan is applying sunscreen religiously every time you are outside, there’s also absolutely nothing wrong with topping up using a fake tan that looks completely natural🧴☀️.

Now I have tried LOADS of fake tans, some were ok, but the color looked unnatural🍊, some stained my bed sheets (annoying), some stank of that biscuity smell (horrible), and some just went patchy on my skin after a few days 😳.

Well I’m happy to say my search for the perfect tannning product is finally over…I present you with my holy grail tanning duo: Phenomenal Self Tan Mousse and Body Blur from Vita Liberta.

What makes the Phenomenal Mousse so great you say? Here’s why:
1️⃣ Leaves no smell as the color develops.
2️⃣ Super fast drying time.
3️⃣ A dream to apply as it’s tinted.
4️⃣ Does not streak on application.
5️⃣ It’s long lasting, then fades evenly.
6️⃣ Most importantly; does not stain stain your bedsheets or clothes 😅

Body Blur is sorcery in a bottle. It’s basically body make up but when you apply it, it instantly blurs and glosses over any imperfections. I apply it over my Phenomenal Mousse to really make my skin glow.

I usually apply Phenomenonal with a tanning mitt and Body Blur with a buffing brush. Swipe to watch the application in my Insta stories.

Tip: Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin prior to tanning to get the best results, happy tanning!!